Saturday, June 24th
10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON
Location: Southwest Baptist Church
6401 Scanlan Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63139
COST: Free
Time Commitment: 2 Hours
Refreshments Provided
Stewards of Children is a two-hour workshop that is led by a certified facilitator and it is video driven.
Using the 5 Steps to Protecting Our Children™ as a framework, Stewards of Children® is a two-hour training that teaches adults practical actions to prevent child sexual abuse or intervene if abuse is suspected. Featuring compelling and engaging content to motivate participants, the program is designed for parents, concerned individuals, and any adult that works with children and/or youth and their families.
Protecting children from sexual abuse is an adult responsibility. However, sometimes adults have simply lacked prevention knowledge, or not had the awareness to recognize signs. Prevention training for adults creates a culture of awareness and safety. It gives people the skills to create safer environments. It makes them more willing to intervene in unsafe behaviors by adults with children.
Please register for this workshop by using the form below or email southwestbaptistchurch8@gmail.com for more information.